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 Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy!

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4 posters
Chemical Missiles Proffesor
Chemical Missiles Proffesor

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Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy! Empty
PostSubject: Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy!   Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy! EmptySun Jan 25 2009, 16:55

17th Annual Wizard Fan Awards is where fans get to vote for their favourite comic book, movie, toys, etc. And yes, the artists involved in Gerard Way's comic book project are nominated.

Scott Allie (Favorite Editor)
Gabriel Ba (Favorite Breakout Talent - artist)
Dave Steward (Favorite Colorist)

Vote Here

The last day for voting is Monday, Feb. 16th 2009!
So, better start voting now! Smile
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Chemical Cookie Alien
Chemical Cookie Alien

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Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy!   Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy! EmptyMon Jan 26 2009, 14:10

ive voted. :D
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Human Decease
Human Decease

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Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy!   Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy! EmptyTue Jan 27 2009, 12:43

me too!
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Chemical Missiles Proffesor
Chemical Missiles Proffesor

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Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy!   Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy! EmptyTue Jan 27 2009, 20:26

Yay! Same here!
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Thermobaric Manager
Thermobaric Manager

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Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy!   Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy! EmptyTue Jan 27 2009, 23:50

i just vote but er i wonder is it too late?
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Chemical Missiles Proffesor
Chemical Missiles Proffesor

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Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy!   Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy! EmptyWed Jan 28 2009, 21:21

Nope. Like I mentioned above, the last day for voting is 16th feb! Smile

So, keep voting ppl!
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Thermobaric Manager
Thermobaric Manager

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Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy!   Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy! EmptyFri Feb 13 2009, 13:44

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Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy!   Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy! Empty

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Vote for the Artists of Umbrella Academy!
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