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 Gerard Names the Screenwriter for Umbrella Academy Movie

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Chemical Missiles Proffesor
Chemical Missiles Proffesor

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Gerard Names the Screenwriter for Umbrella Academy Movie Empty
PostSubject: Gerard Names the Screenwriter for Umbrella Academy Movie   Gerard Names the Screenwriter for Umbrella Academy Movie EmptyWed Mar 25 2009, 10:21

Quote :
Gerard Way has named the screenwriter linked to the movie of his comic series 'The Umbrella Academy'.

As previously reported, Universal Pictures have fast-tracked a big screen adaptation of the My Chemical Romance star's award-winning superhero comic.

Now, speaking to Collider, Way has revealed the man who is set to pen the script: He said: "There's a screenwriter, a great screenwriter named Mark Bomback - and he is the guy we'd love to do it."

Bomback's previous credits include 'Live Free Or Die Hard' (released as 'Die Hard 4.0' in the UK) as well as 'Deception' and the forthcoming 'Return To Witch Mountain'.

Way himself has always maintained he does not want to write the movie himself.

"I didn’t want to because I felt like writing the comic was enough. To me, it's done. I don't want to write it again," he explained, though stated he remains close to the project.

"I've been in every meeting, I helped pick the screenwriter, I went through all that stuff," he added. "I've literally been there the whole time. [But in the end] I want it to be the director’s vision."
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Gerard Names the Screenwriter for Umbrella Academy Movie
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