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 Gerard Judges on mtvU Scholarship

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Chemical Missiles Proffesor
Chemical Missiles Proffesor

Number of posts : 560
Age : 34
Location : Malaysia
Registration date : 2008-10-07

Gerard Judges on mtvU Scholarship Empty
PostSubject: Gerard Judges on mtvU Scholarship   Gerard Judges on mtvU Scholarship EmptyFri Jul 10 2009, 11:21

Gerard Way was on a panel of musical guests (also featuring Death Cab For Cutie, Santigold, and Vampire Weekend) judging students who were in the running to be awarded one of four Fullbright-mtvU scholarships. Fullbright is a project put together by mtvU (MTV’s University network) and the U.S. Department of State, and was established to “promote the power of music”. Recipients went through a series of merit-based selection processes and were reviewed by U.S. and foreign academic leaders as well as area experts. Gerard Way and his fellow judges went through each of their nominations to slim down to whom they believed were the top candidates. The final four were chosen by the Fullbright Scholarship Board. They get to travel to foreign countries to work on a self-assigned project to benefit those communities and post their findings through mtvU’s Fullbright website.

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