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 Gerard as president: y/n?

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4 posters
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands

Number of posts : 1700
Age : 36
Location : In Gerard's hands
Registration date : 2007-12-28

Gerard as president: y/n? Empty
PostSubject: Gerard as president: y/n?   Gerard as president: y/n? EmptyWed Jan 09 2008, 09:51

With the presidential primaries now upon us,, the fastest-growing Rock music website, has enlisted the help of its growing community to compile a slate of alternate presidential candidates from the world of music to finally build that bridge to the 21st century before 1000 points of light shine through the hole in the ozone.

“We wanted to raise awareness about the upcoming elections, but still have some fun doing it,” said Chief Executive Officer Steve Newman. “Some of the candidates selected by our members have a history of political activism dating back decades and could have a future in politics, and some would be just plain scary.”

“The community of users has voted for 10 musicians they feel best share their vision for a better America and demonstrate the leadership skills needed to end war and famine and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity,” said Election Coordinator Sam Vasquez. “If not, at the very least, they can play a kick ass guitar solo while the Capitol burns to the ground.”

You can visit polling headquarters online at and get a glimpse of the candidate profiles along with user comments.

Here is the list of the winning Rockers:

1. Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day)
2. Bono (U2)
3. Marilyn Manson
4. Ozzy Osbourne (Black Sabbath)
5. Ted Nugent
6. Pete Wentz (Fall Out Boy)
7. Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance)
8. Axl Rose (Guns and Roses)
9. Bruce Springsteen
10. Gene Simmons (Kiss)
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Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

Number of posts : 1672
Age : 37
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Registration date : 2007-12-25

Gerard as president: y/n? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gerard as president: y/n?   Gerard as president: y/n? EmptyWed Jan 09 2008, 09:56

pissed off is manson that good??look at their comment in that site haha..lmao

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Sleepwalking into Gee's hands
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands

Number of posts : 1700
Age : 36
Location : In Gerard's hands
Registration date : 2007-12-28

Gerard as president: y/n? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gerard as president: y/n?   Gerard as president: y/n? EmptyWed Jan 09 2008, 13:31

If not, at the very least, they can play a kick ass guitar solo while the Capitol burns to the ground

Gerard cannot. lol!
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Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

Number of posts : 1672
Age : 37
Location : Pirate Ship
Registration date : 2007-12-25

Gerard as president: y/n? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gerard as president: y/n?   Gerard as president: y/n? EmptyWed Jan 09 2008, 13:39

ohhhhhh....... lol!
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Sleepwalking into Gee's hands
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands

Number of posts : 1700
Age : 36
Location : In Gerard's hands
Registration date : 2007-12-28

Gerard as president: y/n? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gerard as president: y/n?   Gerard as president: y/n? EmptyWed Jan 09 2008, 13:40

afro <---but he can! he played solo at the concert in KL~ it was awesome...........
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Human Decease
Human Decease

Number of posts : 352
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Registration date : 2008-01-03

Gerard as president: y/n? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gerard as president: y/n?   Gerard as president: y/n? EmptyWed Jan 09 2008, 14:25

Gerard makes a good leader.
he just know how to work the crowd..

oh hell yes he does know how to!! rock on
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Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

Number of posts : 1672
Age : 37
Location : Pirate Ship
Registration date : 2007-12-25

Gerard as president: y/n? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gerard as president: y/n?   Gerard as president: y/n? EmptyWed Jan 09 2008, 20:04

niknoi wrote:
Gerard makes a good leader.
he just know how to work the crowd..

oh hell yes he does know how to!! rock on

agree with ya Cool
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Sleepwalking into Gee's hands
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands

Number of posts : 1700
Age : 36
Location : In Gerard's hands
Registration date : 2007-12-28

Gerard as president: y/n? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gerard as president: y/n?   Gerard as president: y/n? EmptyWed Jan 09 2008, 22:00

I found this somewhere...Reminds me of how dominant he is on stage. XD
Gerard as president: y/n? Macro10frontmanek0
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Human Decease
Human Decease

Number of posts : 374
Age : 32
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Registration date : 2007-12-27

Gerard as president: y/n? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gerard as president: y/n?   Gerard as president: y/n? EmptySat Jan 19 2008, 19:45

you rock gerard! i love him so much! i think he is the best front man ever rock on
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Gerard as president: y/n? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gerard as president: y/n?   Gerard as president: y/n? Empty

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