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 Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony

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3 posters
Chemical Missiles Proffesor
Chemical Missiles Proffesor

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Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony Empty
PostSubject: Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony   Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony EmptyTue Mar 31 2009, 11:57

Quote :

Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony Chrisanthony-1

“Venice”, is the solo exhibition of new works by award-winning Los Angeles photographer Chris Anthony. For his third solo show with the Corey Helford Gallery, Anthony creates an extraordinary world in flux where the moody tides of fact and fiction converge. As global warming causes ocean levels to rise and the melting of Antarctic Ice sheets, a mysterious sinking civilization is unveiled, entitled “Venice”. Inhabited by aquatic survivors and enchanting lost souls, “Venice’s” otherworldly atmosphere is heightened by Anthony’s signature aesthetic and technical artistry.
Models and muses Emily Deschanel, Jacinda Barrett, Mercedes Helnwein and lead singer of My Chemical Romance, Gerard Way and his wife Lindsey Way are featured in the photographs, adding their unique persona to the dramatic narratives. The exhibition marks Anthony’s first major project shot outdoors, and his icy palette of greys and blues creates the illusion of an arctic climate, skillfully deceiving the balmy Venice Beach, California location where the series was photographed. In Anthony’s own words “Venice is a metaphor for a sinking city, deserving of nature’s wrath, leaving its citizens to tread water and explore new ways to sustain life on aquatic earth.” “Venice” opens on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at Corey Helford Gallery’s special exhibition space located at 6086 Comey Avenue in Los Angeles. The show is open to the public and will be on view until April 18, 2009.

Chris Anthony is an internationally recognized photographer who was awarded the 2007 Grand Prize in American Photo’s Images of the Year Competition for his “Victims & Avengers” series, which was shown in its entirety for the first time at Corey Helford Gallery in January 2007. He has worked on commercial projects for numerous clients, including Sony Playstation 3 and “The Black Parade” for My Chemical Romance. Anthony’’s work has been featured in gallery exhibitions in Los Angeles, Stockholm, Washington D.C., London and San Francisco. Born and raised in Stockholm, Anthony also briefly lived in Indianapolis and Florence. In his teens, he worked as a rock photographer and went on to direct music videos and commercials. He currently lives in Los Angeles. For more information, please visit

edit: here's what the photo looks like zoomed out all the way:
Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony Picture3-30
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Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

Number of posts : 1672
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Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony   Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony EmptyTue Mar 31 2009, 14:45

wow that's very nice... agree
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Chemical Missiles Proffesor
Chemical Missiles Proffesor

Number of posts : 560
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Registration date : 2008-10-07

Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony   Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony EmptyWed Apr 01 2009, 00:01

Right? It looks so awesome! The texture, the theme, everything.
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Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

Number of posts : 1672
Age : 37
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Registration date : 2007-12-25

Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony   Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony EmptyWed Apr 01 2009, 10:36's beautiful I love you
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Thermobaric Manager
Thermobaric Manager

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Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony   Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony EmptySat May 16 2009, 17:17

wait!!>..why is he kissing someone else?
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Chemical Missiles Proffesor
Chemical Missiles Proffesor

Number of posts : 560
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Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony   Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony EmptySat May 16 2009, 23:55

Tha'ts Lyn-Z. Smile
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Thermobaric Manager
Thermobaric Manager

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Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony   Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony EmptyTue Jun 16 2009, 20:08

sure thats lyn-z?
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Chemical Missiles Proffesor
Chemical Missiles Proffesor

Number of posts : 560
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Registration date : 2008-10-07

Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony   Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony EmptyWed Jun 17 2009, 09:52

Yup! Smile 100%
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PostSubject: Re: Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony   Gerard Way Models for Chris Anthony Empty

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