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 Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll

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5 posters
Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

Number of posts : 1672
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Registration date : 2007-12-25

Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll Empty
PostSubject: Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll   Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll EmptyWed Feb 06 2008, 17:11

many people played this him up.kinda fun

Gerard way stardoll

Last edited by on Sun Feb 10 2008, 16:19; edited 1 time in total
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The One And Only Mikey
The One And Only Mikey

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Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll   Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll EmptyThu Feb 07 2008, 06:50

dude they have Frank Iero, Mikey Way And Ray Toro but no Bob Bryar, mayjor pissed off lol.
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Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

Number of posts : 1672
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Registration date : 2007-12-25

Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll   Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll EmptyThu Feb 07 2008, 17:14

ya..dun have bob...but the mikey there is weird
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The One And Only Mikey
The One And Only Mikey

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Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll   Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll EmptyFri Feb 08 2008, 08:58

yeah i know i was like O_O wtf thats not mikey.
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Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

Number of posts : 1672
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Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll   Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll EmptyFri Feb 08 2008, 17:34

lol...and i dun feel like dressing him up cuz it doesn't look like mikey ..
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Human Decease
Human Decease

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Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll   Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll EmptySat Feb 09 2008, 21:19

hahah dat is sooo not mikey!
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Sleepwalking into Gee's hands
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands

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Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll   Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll EmptySun Feb 10 2008, 05:22

and the clothes XD wtf? lol! ugly....
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Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

Number of posts : 1672
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Registration date : 2007-12-25

Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll   Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll EmptySun Feb 10 2008, 16:19

i once dress ray in hip hop style..and thats so fucking funny.... happy happy
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Thermobaric Manager
Thermobaric Manager

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Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll   Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll EmptyMon Feb 11 2008, 17:51

hahaha...mikey looks so funny there!!! went looks so real!
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Thermobaric Manager
Thermobaric Manager

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Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll   Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll EmptyMon Feb 11 2008, 17:58

did u guys try out to make up gerard way??

wow the superman is so handsome!!!
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Sleepwalking into Gee's hands
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands

Number of posts : 1700
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Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll   Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll EmptyMon Feb 11 2008, 21:45

summersnow wrote:
hahaha...mikey looks so funny there!!! went looks so real!

hahahahah oh my god agree. agree
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MCR fan

Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll Empty
PostSubject: stardoll is terrible - NOT against the real mcr   Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll EmptyTue Mar 04 2008, 16:07

why is mcr on stardoll in the first place?? i mean its not bad but if they agreed to put themselvs up there then fine... but they could at least make the dolls LOOK like them and giv them better clothing.

none of the dolls clothes or bodies are completly correct. gerard has no plain black tshirts which is pretty unusual if u look at his style. in fact there isnt enough black clothing with any the dolls and the only one with a plain simple black tee is fran and he has all the good stuff including gerards tbp outfit (theyr all different and that one belongs to gerard way).

gerard :whats up with gerards red helena tie??? its not right. his clothin is just...eeewwwwww. okay, so he does have his tbp jaket but its OPEN and what are you supposed to put under it then? this overlong black tee with the logo?? i mean cant he just get some decent black clothing?! thats what he wears and i respect that but obiously the people who make these dolls know NOTHING about them. and his hair. the black is way too short and if is supposed to be the length of when he was in the i dont love you video can they at least make it better looking?!

mikey: that is sooooo not mikey. cant be bothered to critisize the clothing

frank: overall, the best actual doll but his hair is a bit short. the clothng on the other hand isnt as bad as what they picked for gerard but could be ALOT better. not going into details.

ray: why does the doll which looks the ugliest (no offense ray) have the best clothing?! he has gerards tbp outfit (theyr all different and that specific design belongs to gerard) and the only plan black tee. his helena jaket is the best and the tie is definitly up to standards. the actual doll itself is HIDEOUS. rays hair is so not like that and his face is just...different.

bob: WHERE THE HELL IS BOB BRYAR?! i hate it how some pple think that drummers are not as important so they leave them out. bob is amazing.
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Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

Number of posts : 1672
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Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll   Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll EmptyTue Mar 04 2008, 22:46

chill...some of them do looks different but u know it's kinda hard to make all the dolls looks exactly the same..
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Sleepwalking into Gee's hands
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands

Number of posts : 1700
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Location : In Gerard's hands
Registration date : 2007-12-28

Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll   Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll EmptyTue Mar 04 2008, 23:36

I dont know.. all of these star doll thingy and mcr fans being mad amused me way too much. very happy
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Thermobaric Manager
Thermobaric Manager

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Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll   Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll EmptyWed Mar 05 2008, 14:05

lol! very happy
just a stardoll..i don't think mcr give a damn of it...LoL...
anway she's right too...their clothes are not suitable for them..especially gerard's 1....
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The One And Only Mikey
The One And Only Mikey

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Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll   Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll EmptySun Mar 09 2008, 17:25

i think ill marry the stardoll mikey Smile
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Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll   Dress up MCR(gerard way)-stardoll Empty

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