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 My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009

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Chemical Missiles Proffesor
Chemical Missiles Proffesor

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My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009 Empty
PostSubject: My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009   My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009 EmptyWed Apr 08 2009, 11:41

My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009 4671062-d6187285aabba938462e5973de6
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Chemical Missiles Proffesor
Chemical Missiles Proffesor

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My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009   My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009 EmptyFri Aug 07 2009, 17:44

MCR Japan: Interview Aya Miyahara.
A really rough translation of the jap interview from Google:

My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009 00011p9g

Quote :
20 minutes, when these 20 minutes have passed, I have the feeling I couldn't even digest 20% of the things I want(ed) to hear.

Since I reported about all the members at Samasoni in 2006, it’s been exactly 3 years. Because we were the top batters, they slowly came to room, where the interviews were held. (Literally it’s the “reporting place”, and I have no idea what they mean with top batters)

By the way, the top batter was Mikey Way. Moreover, he was wearing a Mikey Fuckin Way shirt! laugh

Asking wasn’t necessary. “I wore it a Roxy; it’s nice, isn’t it?” He seemed to be really happy. While we were at it we asked how many of these T-shirts he owned, and he said 5. They will be sold, won’t they? How? You can’t mistake it, if you’ve noticed it… (Not sure what she wanted to say with that)

The next one who appeared was Frank.

He asked if doing his hair and make-up was required and it wasn’t, but he drew back to the bus room, because he wanted to change his clothes, andwhen he came back he brought out a hat that looked like a hakusan (i.e. a mountain) sheep. It was probably a hakusan sheep. laugh

But because it seemed to smell like rubber, he immediately took it off. Uuuuh~ it’s a pity we didn’t have a camera on us. Furthermore, Mikey seemed happy to present a USB stick witch a black boxer doll attached to it, and when connected to the computer, it would (say? make?) “yay yay” and move its abdominal muscles. It was cute when he boasted with it in front of Frank while laughing (like “hyaaahyaaa”). Because there are so little chances to talk to Mikey he seems like an introverted person, but he is really easy to talk to. It was quite a big harvest. (as in, they harvested what he said xD)

As we gossiped a bit about this and that Gerard appeared! In group pics he looks big, but when you are standing next to him, he’s slim.

Then Ray and Bob showed up and the interview/conference started.

They talked about being excited that they are headliners for Samasoni and talked about the upcoming record.

I want to wait for the details on this week’s “Dig the Rocks” and “Yōgaku tenkoku (Western Music Paradise)”, but there seem to be a lot of things about the new record that haven’t been decided on, yet.

There are songs in the upcoming shows that have no official titles yet and so on. They also said they haven’t decided a title for the album yet. It was said that the phenomenon is usually the other way round.

Dig uploaded information about the live show after they played it, but it seems they performed 2 or 3 new songs! They said they could only perform these songs because they wanted to do that so much!

Original Interview from: Here

Limited Edition Mikey Effin' Way t-shirt.

My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009 Fp8fvd

Quote :
"Just in time for the upcoming MCR Summer Sonic shows, you can now get the ‘Mikey F*cking Way’ shirt translated into Japanese! This Limited Edition 100% cotton black slim fit t-shirt is now available online. This shirt is a one time pressing, and only 200 available at the store. Domo arigato. Get it here."
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Chemical Missiles Proffesor
Chemical Missiles Proffesor

Number of posts : 560
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Registration date : 2008-10-07

My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009   My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009 EmptySat Aug 08 2009, 11:18

Some pretty rad photographs were released on Summer Sonic's official site from Friday's shows. You could also see the other acts such as Paramore and Nine Inch Nails.

Photos Here
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Chemical Missiles Proffesor
Chemical Missiles Proffesor

Number of posts : 560
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Registration date : 2008-10-07

My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009   My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009 EmptySun Aug 09 2009, 21:03

Also some videos were taken from the shows:

And the set list:
My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009 5zo8ih
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Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

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My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009   My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009 EmptyMon Aug 10 2009, 14:19

" Helene ----> Fireworks!! " hahahah

where you find the set list anyway~~
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Chemical Missiles Proffesor
Chemical Missiles Proffesor

Number of posts : 560
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Registration date : 2008-10-07

My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009   My Chemical Romance Playing at Summer Sonic 2009 EmptyTue Aug 11 2009, 11:01

Lol. They have so much pyro going on. It just got around the internet. Thought it'll be nice to share it here.
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