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 EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008

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Chemical Missiles Proffesor
Chemical Missiles Proffesor

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EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008 Empty
PostSubject: EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008   EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008 EmptyFri Oct 24 2008, 09:32

Quote :
Many of you have already seen photos of My Chemical Romance's Gerard Way on the red carpet at last night's Scream Awards. I've heard several reactions that all seem to say that fans are pretty shocked at his hair (it's not pink anymore!) and by his "ugly" shoes (brown, knee-high round-toed boots). Well stop freaking out because I was there, I had a camera, I took pictures of him, and EXTREMELY on your behalf. If it were left up to me I would've asked him something about whether or not he was actually planning to turn the Tom Waits/William Burroughs musical "The Black Rider" into a graphic novel - because that's what I'm interested in. But time was of the essence, so I only got the skinny on how he'd survive the Zombie Apocalypse and why his hair was no longer red - s'cuse me, pink (he corrected me.) All of this while literally staring up into his nostrils. Seriously. Look:
EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008 Orig-5852641

His hair doesn't look that bad. I thought you guys hated it when he dyed it pink? And now that it's pretty freshly black you're complaining? What do you want from the man? Should he just shave his head? I asked him why he changed the color again, and he told me, "Because I was in a wedding, and the pink didn't match the wedding." You'd go from pink back to black too, if you were gonna be in a wedding and your hair didn't match the decor. Cut him some slack. He is not "going Michael Jackson" on you like I've seen in some recent comments. When I asked Gerard whose wedding it was, he merely responded with, "a friend..." and continued to wring his hands and stare at me nervously:

EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008 Orig-5852661

I told him regardless, you guys were all gonna freak out when you saw the photos and he laughed a little. He seemed pretty excited to answer my next question, though, "So, Buzznet wants to know how you, Gerard, would survive the Zombie Apocalypse." He sat on this one for a while - quite a while. I think everyone around me was pretty pissed off because they wanted to ask him stupid stuff about how he was feeling about the Umbrella Academy's nomination for Best New Comic Book, and if the movie rumors were true (they are.) All of these are totally relevant questions, but in the interest of YOU GUYS, I really only had to know why his hair wasn't pink and how he'd survive when Zombies attack. After looking at the sky for a bit and a lot of "Hmmm"-ing, Gerard quietly replied, "..... I wouldn't. Yea. I wouldn't survive at all. No chance. I'd get eaten." And shrugged his shoulders. Ladies, I'm no MCR fangirl but I'll admit - it was pretty damn cute. Made me wish I had a video cam so I could show you all the whole thing, but I figured really close up body shots and getting some of these answers would be suitable enough. ;-)

Finally, stop dogging on the man's boots already! They were downright AMAZING, and were honestly the first thing I noticed when I spotted him. I had to digest what I was looking at before I realized they were on Gerard Way's feet. Extreme close-up:

EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008 Orig-5852691

Those are not, by any means, what I would consider "ugly" boots. I might re-think the brown with the black issue but I'm telling you those things must've cost a fortune. And they were pretty damn perfect for the segment in the space pod he did at the end of the show. I refuse to give you spoilers, so you'll have to watch the show on Tuesday October 21st to find out what I mean. Newageamazon is liveblogging the event, so don't forget to check that out - it's sure to be a... scream!

What do you guys think? Do you hate or love the Gee's new hair? How about the boots? Do you think the Umbrella Academy will win best comic? Discuss in the comments, and sit tight because I have more photos from the Scream Awards and tons more crazy dirt to spill about the event. Until tomorrow...
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Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

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EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008 Empty
PostSubject: Re: EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008   EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008 EmptyFri Oct 24 2008, 10:30

who wrote this??

oh is he colour blind?? scare hahahaha...just kidding...i mean his hair was red right??is that pink??!!??

anyway i think the boots...doesnt match the suit his wearing lol...
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Chemical Missiles Proffesor
Chemical Missiles Proffesor

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EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008 Empty
PostSubject: Re: EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008   EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008 EmptyTue Oct 28 2008, 12:48

It's some journalist on buzznet. Lol. Though the boots may not match but they are so rad!
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Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

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EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008 Empty
PostSubject: Re: EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008   EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008 EmptyTue Oct 28 2008, 14:00

yeap i agree with that!!
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Sleepwalking into Gee's hands
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands

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EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008 Empty
PostSubject: Re: EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008   EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008 EmptyTue Oct 28 2008, 20:54

Who cares if he even wear bright yellow boots? If he's brave enough to pull it off, he'll look good in them.
But when did gerard does NOT look good? xD
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Chemical Missiles Proffesor
Chemical Missiles Proffesor

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EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008 Empty
PostSubject: Re: EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008   EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008 EmptyWed Oct 29 2008, 13:24

That is true. Smile
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Thermobaric Manager
Thermobaric Manager

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EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008 Empty
PostSubject: Re: EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008   EXCLUSIVE: Gerard Way on Zombies and Hair Color at the 2008 EmptyWed Nov 19 2008, 19:18

yeah!!...he's always look good in anything...^^
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