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 Theme for the 4th album

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4 posters
Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

Number of posts : 1672
Age : 37
Location : Pirate Ship
Registration date : 2007-12-25

Theme for the 4th album Empty
PostSubject: Theme for the 4th album   Theme for the 4th album EmptyMon Apr 21 2008, 17:35

gerard was talking bout the theme of the fourth album.

gerard says,

"so we have a friend that lives out here, her name is frances and she comes to our show. she's here today and she says,

'what's up with you guys. what are you guys gonna be doing soon?'

you want to find out? so we're gonna take a break for about six or seven months and then we gonna go make a new record. and so she goes,

'what it's gonna sound like, dude?'

and i'm like well i don't really know, but if i had to say, i think i would say it's gonna sound like a bunch of cowboys songs. and this is a cowboy song, right fucking here."

then they started playing hang 'em high.


Last edited by metalslugx on Tue Apr 22 2008, 20:43; edited 1 time in total
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Sleepwalking into Gee's hands
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands

Number of posts : 1700
Age : 36
Location : In Gerard's hands
Registration date : 2007-12-28

Theme for the 4th album Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theme for the 4th album   Theme for the 4th album EmptyTue Apr 22 2008, 07:57

Cowboy songs? LMAO Gee.
I do love the animated video of hang em high though. Really cowboy-like.
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Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

Number of posts : 1672
Age : 37
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Registration date : 2007-12-25

Theme for the 4th album Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theme for the 4th album   Theme for the 4th album EmptyTue Apr 22 2008, 20:43

i think he's just joking...
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Thermobaric Manager
Thermobaric Manager

Number of posts : 958
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Registration date : 2008-01-02

Theme for the 4th album Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theme for the 4th album   Theme for the 4th album EmptyWed Apr 23 2008, 15:53

how come he never talk that much in malaysia
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Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

Number of posts : 1672
Age : 37
Location : Pirate Ship
Registration date : 2007-12-25

Theme for the 4th album Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theme for the 4th album   Theme for the 4th album EmptyFri Apr 25 2008, 11:35

"heeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaa"
imagine that...
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Thermobaric Manager
Thermobaric Manager

Number of posts : 958
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Registration date : 2008-01-02

Theme for the 4th album Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theme for the 4th album   Theme for the 4th album EmptyMon Apr 28 2008, 10:16

yeah hahaha...hope they dont dress up like a
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Sleepwalking into Gee's hands
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands

Number of posts : 1700
Age : 36
Location : In Gerard's hands
Registration date : 2007-12-28

Theme for the 4th album Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theme for the 4th album   Theme for the 4th album EmptyMon Apr 28 2008, 16:50

omfg. that's the last thing I wanna see.
I can stand ryan ross looking like a cowboy with his scarf but Gerard Way? no thanks. LMAO
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Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

Number of posts : 1672
Age : 37
Location : Pirate Ship
Registration date : 2007-12-25

Theme for the 4th album Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theme for the 4th album   Theme for the 4th album EmptyMon Apr 28 2008, 17:08

but i wanna see him in cowboy suit man...that's gonna be funny man haha very happy imagine imagine
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Chemical Cookie Alien
Chemical Cookie Alien

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Theme for the 4th album Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theme for the 4th album   Theme for the 4th album EmptyTue Apr 29 2008, 12:28

im imagining gerard in a cowboy suit with a rope saying...

And Ray walking out of a bar wearing like those sheriffs like in those cowboy movies with two guns.
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Sleepwalking into Gee's hands
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands

Number of posts : 1700
Age : 36
Location : In Gerard's hands
Registration date : 2007-12-28

Theme for the 4th album Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theme for the 4th album   Theme for the 4th album EmptyTue Apr 29 2008, 14:59

Theme for the 4th album Ffff10

Cowboy Frank for you. XD
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Thermobaric Manager
Thermobaric Manager

Number of posts : 958
Age : 35
Location : Malaysia
Registration date : 2008-01-02

Theme for the 4th album Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theme for the 4th album   Theme for the 4th album EmptyTue Apr 29 2008, 20:04

XxBlinkBlinkxX wrote:
im imagining gerard in a cowboy suit with a rope saying...

And Ray walking out of a bar wearing like those sheriffs like in those cowboy movies with two guns.

XD....that character suits ray alot!!,...
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Sleepwalking into Gee's hands
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands

Number of posts : 1700
Age : 36
Location : In Gerard's hands
Registration date : 2007-12-28

Theme for the 4th album Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theme for the 4th album   Theme for the 4th album EmptySat Jun 07 2008, 08:41

summersnow wrote:
XxBlinkBlinkxX wrote:
im imagining gerard in a cowboy suit with a rope saying...

And Ray walking out of a bar wearing like those sheriffs like in those cowboy movies with two guns.

XD....that character suits ray alot!!,...

No!I prefer him as the baddie! happy happy
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Theme for the 4th album Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theme for the 4th album   Theme for the 4th album Empty

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Theme for the 4th album
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