Take this survey
Do you like the music your family listens to?
- haha, my mom love hip hop, my brother loves classical, my dad listens to
old malaysian songs.i have a pretty wide musical influences.lol.
Is music a big part of your life?
- yeah, i wanna be a musician or something in the future.
Last song you sang out loud?
- uh..lemme remember.. Katy perry - Ur So Gay
Who was your 1st favorite band as a kid?
Linkin Park!!!!!!!!!!or was it evanescence?
idk..i was 9 or 8 thats all i remember.
Ever had a song that make you think of an ex?
- irwansyah ft acha - my heart... i hate that song..
What cd is in your car cd player?
- theres just one prob with this question..i dont own a car.
When was the last time you burned a music cd?
- a week ago.
Do you sing in the shower?
- i used to allot..nowdays i dont that much.
Have you ever sung in front of an audience?
- yeah, once. it was an all girl group thing
Have you ever been the singer while playing Rock Band?
- i bought the freaking game already!!just need to buy the mic next.
oh and a ps3.
What is your mom's favorite genre of music?
- Hip Hop and sometimes rock..er..wait..not really.
the only band she likes is 30 Secs...and thats because of Jared Leto..
What is your favorite song by the Beatles?
- Happy Together!!!, Elenor Rigby,
How many songs do you have on your iPod?
- 157
Does the music you listen to change with your moods?
- yah sometimes.
What are your favorite lyrics from a song?
- for now its... 'Like the moonless dark, meant to make me strong'
Do you pay for your songs or steal them?
- *looks left and right* i.um...grab?
What kind of iPod do you own?
- a sony mp4..forgot what model it is.
If not, what kind of iPod would you like to own?
- the one that has 10 GB!!
Define the term: Boyband?
- a group of boys who sing with cute faces and they dance?
What's the farthest you've traveled to go to a concert?
- stadium merdeka.haha
Do your friends listen to the same music you do?
- sadly no.
Do you watch American Idol?
- yeah!David Cook rules!!
Can you play an instrument?
- i play keyboard, and my guitar!!
Ever sing kareoke?
- every friday after keyboard class thats what i do with my brother.
it makes me throat sore everytime after that!haha
Have you ever been to a concert you did not enjoy?
- yeah, one indie band at the curve.they sucked madd.
Have you been to a musical?
- yeah..at genting..forgot what musical it was..
Who is better:
Nsync or Backstreet Boys?
- i like backstreet boys.
John Mayer or Jack Johnson?
- John Mayer!
Garth Brooks or George Strait?
-im sorry..but who?
Fall Out Boy or Panic! At the Disco?
- panic!
Elvis or The Beatles?
- the beatles.
Britney Spears or Justin Timberlake?
- J to the T!
Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus?
- thats a tough one..... no comment.lol
Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston?
- mariah...wait no...whitney!wait...uuhh..i cant make up my mind!
This or that:
Country or Rock?
- rock ! but i like country too..
Rock or Rap?
- Rock! im not much of a fan of rap but some are worth listening to.
Emo or Punk?
- dude...PUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!haha.
Oldies or Country?
- country.
Old Skool or New School?
- can i say both?