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 Original song titles

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Sleepwalking into Gee's hands
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands

Number of posts : 1700
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Registration date : 2007-12-28

Original song titles Empty
PostSubject: Original song titles   Original song titles EmptyThu Feb 14 2008, 23:38

In my whole fucking life, this is the first time that I found out that I'm Not Okay, Interlude and Desert Song had other unofficial names!

Someone in a message board posted this:

Quote :
If you remember way back when before Three cheers came out, the My Chem website posted a list of all the songs that were going to be on the new album.

Luckily they still have this post on their archives... There were 13 songs there, it is missing two songs from the final album, but includes two that did not make the cut (If We're Not Careful, We'll Turn Into Catholics and I Promise It's The Last Time). The two songs missing are I'm Not Okay and Interlude.

Now, were these just renamed or are they different songs entirely. The "I Promise It's The Last Time" could make sense for I'm Not Okay, but MCR has said that I'm Not Okay barely made the final album, even though it went on to be their most popular song. I don't think Interlude would fit into either of those titles.

and then someone else posted:
Quote :

I think "Black Angel and the Desert Sun" would be Desert Song..."I Promise It's The Last Time" would be I'm Not Okay, and "If We're Not Careful, We'll Turn Into Catholics" is Interlude.

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Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

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Original song titles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Original song titles   Original song titles EmptyFri Feb 15 2008, 14:18


those name are bit too long haha
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Thermobaric Manager
Thermobaric Manager

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PostSubject: Re: Original song titles   Original song titles EmptyFri Feb 15 2008, 17:48

yeah agree
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Sleepwalking into Gee's hands
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands

Number of posts : 1700
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Registration date : 2007-12-28

Original song titles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Original song titles   Original song titles EmptySun Feb 17 2008, 14:44

If We're Not Careful, We'll Turn Into Catholics for Interlude..
well, come on. the lyrics barely exceeds the title! XD

since we talked alone
come angels of unknown..

that's all, right?
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The One And Only Mikey
The One And Only Mikey

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Original song titles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Original song titles   Original song titles EmptyThu Feb 21 2008, 10:54

bahahaha its like panic at the romance XD
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