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 The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007

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6 posters
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands

Number of posts : 1700
Age : 36
Location : In Gerard's hands
Registration date : 2007-12-28

The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007 Empty
PostSubject: The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007   The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007 EmptyThu Feb 14 2008, 22:17

This is kinda old but i just wanna point out something..
Big Cheese Magazine!
My Chemical Romance won a bunch of catergories in the Big Cheese Magazine readers poll.

The Coolest Motherfucker in Music
1. Rob Flynn (Machine Head)
2. Ian Watkins (Lost Prophets)
3. Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters)
4. Frank Iero (My Chemical Romance)
5. Frank Carter (Gallows)

Dumbest Band
1. Fall Out Boy
2. 30 Seconds To Mars
3. Bring Me The Horizon
4. My Chemical Romance
5. Bowling For Soup

1. My Chemical Romance
2. Joe Strummer (The Clash)
3. Ville Valo (HIM)
4. Corey Taylor (Slipknot)
5. Lostprophets

Most Overrated
1. My Chemical Romance
2. Fall Out Boy
3. 30 Seconds To Mars
4. Gallows
5. Linkin Park

Best International Band
1. My Chemical Romance
2. Fall Out Boy
3. Madina Lake
4. HIM
5. Against Me

Flogging A Dead Horse!
1. Bring Me The Horizon
2. Pete Wentz
3. My Chemical Romance
4. The Sex Pistols
5. The Misfits

Funniest Haircut!
1. The Leone Twins (Madina Lake)
2. Gerard Way
3. Ian Watkins
4. Hayley Williams
5. Bill Kaulitz

Idiot Of The Year
1. Pete Wentz
2. Gerard Way
3. Oli Sykes
4. Pete Doherty
5. Britney Spears

Geezer Of The Year
1. Gerard Way
2. Ville Valo
3. Rob Flynn
4. Davey Havok
5. Nathan Leone

Babe Of The Year
1. Hayley Williams
2. Christina Scabbia
3. Sharon Del Adel
4. Amy Lee
5. Gerard Way

Who'll Have The Biggest Meltdown
1. Fall Out Boy
2. My Chemical Romance
3. Britney Spears
4. Panic At The Disco
5. Bring Me The Horizon

The Band Who Will Take Over 2008
1. Madina Lake
2. Slipknot
3. Lost Prophets
4. My Chemical Romance
5. Green Day
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Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

Number of posts : 1672
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Registration date : 2007-12-25

The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007   The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007 EmptyFri Feb 15 2008, 14:21

funniest haircut??idiot of the year??whats wrong with the haircut?not too bad right.... lol!
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Human Decease
Human Decease

Number of posts : 352
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The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007   The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007 EmptyFri Feb 15 2008, 15:32

yey rock on

babe of the year!!
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Chemical Cookie Alien
Chemical Cookie Alien

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The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007   The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007 EmptyFri Feb 15 2008, 17:12

Gerard number 5?!!Hayley number 1?!!
Gerard should get BABE OF THE YEAR!!(even if i like hayley.)
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Thermobaric Manager
Thermobaric Manager

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The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007   The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007 EmptyFri Feb 15 2008, 17:44

yeah i dun find anything wrong with his haircut..

they are not a dumb band ...hahaha...funny ...

MCR gonna takeover 2008!!!!!!!!
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Sleepwalking into Gee's hands
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands

Number of posts : 1700
Age : 36
Location : In Gerard's hands
Registration date : 2007-12-28

The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007   The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007 EmptySun Feb 17 2008, 14:41

I dont know about taking over 2008..because MADINA LAKE ROCKS!!!! *ahem* and mcr havent come out with any new album so.. it's pretty hard.
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The One And Only Mikey
The One And Only Mikey

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The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007   The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007 EmptyThu Feb 21 2008, 10:53

where is mikey in all these?
how horrible he gets nominated for nothing -_-
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Sleepwalking into Gee's hands
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands

Number of posts : 1700
Age : 36
Location : In Gerard's hands
Registration date : 2007-12-28

The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007   The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007 EmptyThu Feb 21 2008, 11:02

Gerard outshines him in everything. DX just like my sis and me.
Dont worry honey, we'll nominate him in our own poll. I'll go suggest it to the forum. very happy
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The One And Only Mikey
The One And Only Mikey

Number of posts : 411
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Registration date : 2008-01-02

The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007   The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007 EmptyTue Mar 11 2008, 04:38

pssssssh gerard doesnt outshine mikey in everything!
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The Big Cheese magazine poll of 2007
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