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 Hayley-super crazy fan

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7 posters
Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

Number of posts : 1672
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Registration date : 2007-12-25

Hayley-super crazy fan Empty
PostSubject: Hayley-super crazy fan   Hayley-super crazy fan EmptySat Jan 26 2008, 13:56

i found this on cemetery drive forum site. and it's crazy. it was from the radio..they interview this girl-hayley who followed MCR and go for all their concert. i know this sounds abit unbelieveble but u know there's such crazy fans. Rolling Eyes

Quote :

ZM: so we’re here on the phone to a girl, named Hayley from south of London, who has followed the rock band My Chemical Romance around all year, is that right?

H: Yup.

Z: So when did you decide to follow the band around?

H: Uh, well what happened was I fell in love with the band after Pencey Prep – which is Frank Iero’s old band, broke up. I was a huge fan of frank so I decided to check out his new stuff, My Chemical Romance, I guess that was about June 2002? Anyway, I fell in love with their songs, and my friends and I vowed that one year we’d go on tour and just follow them around and fuck. [lol then she apologises for saying fuck]. And in 2003 we decided we’d tour with them in 2007 if they were still around then. So we all got jobs and we saved every cent for the tour. I ended up saving over 20,000 pounds. My mum was really supportive of my love for the band so she helped me out with getting everything organised and freely handed me a bit of cash too. When they announced their first few shows of 2007, we booked flights to the countries and got tickets to the shows and that’s when it started.

Z: So you and your friends followed them from then on?

H: Yeah well unfortunately all my friends were starting to run out on the money to do it, so they only made it through half way of projekt revolution, and left, so from then on I was on my own.

Z: You went to all these different countries by yourself!?

H: Haha, yeah. My mum came with me to Australia and New Zealand cause she always wanted to go there. She thought the New Zealanders were a bit weird though.

Z: what the hell is wrong with us?

H: ha, I don’t know, I didn’t have any problems.

Z: So how old are you now?

H: 21.

Z: When you say you followed them around, do you mean you went to every single show?

H: There was only one show I missed out on, and that was the Sydney big day out, I unfortunately couldn’t get tickets to that one, but I went to every other show.

Z: Did you meet the band?

H: I’ve met them about four times.

Z: What did they think of your touring?

H: Bob thought I was insane. But I think he thought I was insane in a good way, if that makes sense. Their manager Brian gave me the WEIRDEST look ever when he found out I had been following them for the first half of the year. He didn’t really talk to me, he was creeped out by me. [YUS I’M NOTTHE ONLY FAN THAT CREEPED HIM OUT!] Their roadies and girlfriends thought it was really sweet.

Z: I don’t blame the manager for being creeped out. If I was managing a band, and then met someone that had been following the band around for a year, I’d probably consider your mental health as well.

H: HAHA. Well, I didn’t do it for the manager, I did it for my love of the band.

Z: So how many shows have you been to, and are you going to see them again?

H: Honestly, I lost count after 60 shows, and I can’t be bothered trying to figure out how many times I’ve seen them either, but yes I do plan to see them again.

Z: We just got an email sent through from a fan, and they want to know what Gerard thought of you?

H: He thought it was amazing, he and frank were really supportive of it.

Z: this is really hard to believe.

H: I don’t blame you for thinking that. whenever I went to a show and I told the people around me I was following them around all year they thought I was bullshitting, but honestly, I will take a picture of all the MCR tickets I have and I will send them to you, cause this really did happen.

Z: well thanks for your time Hayley, and enjoy the up coming 200th MCR show.

H: HAHA, thanks.

cemetery drive forum
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Chemical Cookie Alien
Chemical Cookie Alien

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Hayley-super crazy fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hayley-super crazy fan   Hayley-super crazy fan EmptySat Jan 26 2008, 19:57

shes awesome...
i wish i had enough money to follow the mcr boys.
i can imagine myself traveling around just to see the guys.
but i've been to one show and it already leaves a hole to my wallet.
(i bought too many merchandise!haha..)
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Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

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Hayley-super crazy fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hayley-super crazy fan   Hayley-super crazy fan EmptySat Jan 26 2008, 20:34

same here. just one concert make me dig money from hole lol! and she's 'touring' with girl. the thing is...her mom support her.
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Human Decease
Human Decease

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Hayley-super crazy fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hayley-super crazy fan   Hayley-super crazy fan EmptySat Jan 26 2008, 20:45

she IS insane.

but yea if i had the money, i'd do the same thing.
Well for a start, around asia. (that was what i intended to do after i attended Singapore's concert but due to lack of smackaroos and job commitment wise... i had to leave that thought to rest. at least for now. hahha)
but too bad, im no rich girl...

life is too short to waste.. so live out your life to the fullest. and kudos to that girl.. i think she truly made her teenage life a fun one to remember..

it all comes down to 1 phrase..

IF ONLY......................
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Nuclear Species
Nuclear Species

Number of posts : 1672
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Registration date : 2007-12-25

Hayley-super crazy fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hayley-super crazy fan   Hayley-super crazy fan EmptySat Jan 26 2008, 21:00

lol! even we're that rich what bout studies??...still have to keep life time to go around country like that. though it would be real fun
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Sleepwalking into Gee's hands
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands

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Hayley-super crazy fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hayley-super crazy fan   Hayley-super crazy fan EmptySat Jan 26 2008, 21:44

She went to more than 60 shows and only met the band 4 times? o.O
Lucky bitch.. i wish i had her time and her money.. I'd love to see brian too though. love him XD
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The One And Only Mikey
The One And Only Mikey

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Hayley-super crazy fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hayley-super crazy fan   Hayley-super crazy fan EmptyThu Jan 31 2008, 06:54

can everyone say stalker?
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Sleepwalking into Gee's hands
Sleepwalking into Gee's hands

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Hayley-super crazy fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hayley-super crazy fan   Hayley-super crazy fan EmptyThu Jan 31 2008, 09:15

lol! she's a stalker alright. poor brian.
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Thermobaric Manager
Thermobaric Manager

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Hayley-super crazy fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hayley-super crazy fan   Hayley-super crazy fan EmptyFri Mar 14 2008, 19:13

i wanna be like her...wahahha..
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Grenade Soldier
Grenade Soldier

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Hayley-super crazy fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hayley-super crazy fan   Hayley-super crazy fan EmptySun Mar 30 2008, 07:43

woauuuuuuuuu thats is awesome i cant imagine
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PostSubject: Re: Hayley-super crazy fan   Hayley-super crazy fan Empty

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